Crane Aerospace & Electronics Interpoint

Interpoint wurde 1969 als Integrated Circuits Inc. (ICI) gegründet und 1989 in Interpoint Inc. umfirmiert. 1999 wurde das Unternehmen - nach Übernahme 1996 - in den Crane-Konzern integriert. Heute ist die Handelsmarke Interpoint Weltmarktführer im Bereich von DC/DC-Wandlern und EMV-Filtern für extrem raue Anwendungen sowie für strahlungsfeste Geräte in Raumfahrtapplikationen. Wandler und Filter sind in Hybridtechnologie aufgebaut, in hermetisch dichten Stahlgehäusen untergebracht und werden in MIL-PRF-38534 zertifizierten Werken hergestellt. Mittlerweile besteht die Produktpalette aus mehr als 1.000 verschiedenen Typen.


Crane Interpoint MFP0507S POL Wandler 3-6V, 0,8-3,3V, 7A MIL-PRF-38534
Radiation hardened space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per method 1019 of MIL-STD-883, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rateLDR tested to 30 krad at 10 mrad(Si)/sec€¢ No external components required €¢ Up to 92% typical efficiency, flat down to 30% load €¢ Qualified up to MIL-PRF-38534 Class K €¢ Vin 3.0 to 6.0 volts dc, transients up to 15 volts for 1 sec. €¢ Inhibit and sync functions €¢ Current monitoring €¢ Current sharing pin for parallel operation €¢ Four pin-selectable, preset voltages, 0.8, 1.6, 2.5 and 3.3 €¢ Output voltage adjustable from 0.8 to 3.5 volts €¢ Indefinite output short circuit protection €¢ Adjustable start-up sequencing €¢ Remote sense and voltage margining €¢ Internal solid state power switch provides many benefits including inrush current limiting €¢ Soft-start function limits Inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMHF4205D DC/DC-Wandler 35-55V, +/-5V, 1,68A Space Dualausgang
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C €¢ Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K €¢ Input voltage range 35 to 55 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 50 ms €¢ Fully isolated €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Undervoltage lockout
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMHF4205S DC/DC-Wandler 35-55V, 5V, 2,4A Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C €¢ Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K €¢ Input voltage range 35 to 55 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 50 ms €¢ Fully isolated €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Undervoltage lockout
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMHF4212D DC/DC-Wandler 35-55V, +/-12V, 0,875A Space Dualausgang
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C €¢ Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K €¢ Input voltage range 35 to 55 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 50 ms €¢ Fully isolated €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Undervoltage lockout
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMHF4212S DC/DC-Wandler 35-55V, 12V, 1,25A Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C €¢ Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K €¢ Input voltage range 35 to 55 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 50 ms €¢ Fully isolated €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Undervoltage lockout
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMHF4215D DC/DC-Wandler 35-55V, +/-15V, 0,7A Space Dualausgang
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C €¢ Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K €¢ Input voltage range 35 to 55 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 50 ms €¢ Fully isolated €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Undervoltage lockout
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMHF4215S DC/DC-Wandler 35-55V, 15V, 1A Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C €¢ Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K €¢ Input voltage range 35 to 55 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 50 ms €¢ Fully isolated €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Undervoltage lockout
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMHF423R3S DC/DC-Wandler 35-55V, 3,3V, 2,4A Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C €¢ Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K €¢ Input voltage range 35 to 55 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 50 ms €¢ Fully isolated €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Undervoltage lockout
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMHF425R2S DC/DC-Wandler 35-55V, 5,2V, 2,4A Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C €¢ Screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K €¢ Input voltage range 35 to 55 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 50 ms €¢ Fully isolated €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Undervoltage lockout
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT2805D 19-56V, +/-5V, 6A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT2805S 19-56V, 5V, 6A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT2812D 19-56V, +/-12V, 2,92A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT2812S 19-56V, 12V, 2,92A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT2815D 19-56V, +/-15V, 2,34A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT2815S 19-56V, 15V, 2,33A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT283R312T 19-56V, 3,3V, +/-12V, 5,75A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT283R315T 19-56V, 3,3V, +/-15V, 5,5A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT283R3S 19-56V, 3,3V, 6,97A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT28512T 19-56V, 5V, +/-12V, 4,25A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Crane Interpoint SMRT28515T 19-56V, 5V, +/-15V, 4A MIL-PRF-38534 Space
Radiation tolerant space DC-DC converter -Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to 86 MeV cm2/mg -Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883 method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA) P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si) -50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A) -10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D) €¢ Built in MIL-STD-461 EMI filter €¢ Output trim from 51% to 125% of nominal €¢ Operating temperature -55° to +125°C €¢ Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class E €¢ Input voltage range 19 to 56 volts €¢ Transient protection 80 volts for 120 ms €¢ Fully isolated, 5 port isolation €¢ Magnetic feedback €¢ Fixed high frequency switching €¢ Remote sense €¢ Inhibit function €¢ Synchronization input €¢ Indefinite short circuit protection €¢ Meets MIL-STD-704A transient standards €¢ Soft-start function limits inrush current during start-up
zzgl. 19% MwSt.